My 7th Month Sabbath

Jill FloodFeatured Articles

Before I explain the title of this newsletter, let me first thank you for your prayers!!! I wasn’t at all nervous while sharing my two keynote addresses at the SoCal writer’s conference June 20-22, and several folks said afterward they felt the Lord had given them specific direction and/or encouragement. All glory to God! I returned from the conference with new skills, new friends, and …

Balancing Fervent and Flexible

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 12 Comments

I’m not a Type A personality, but I do like to get things done—especially when I believe the tasks in question might make a positive impact on God’s Kingdom. These things are more than tasks, really; they’re a calling.   Such is the case with my newsletter debacle. For four months, October of 2017 through January 2018, my assistants and I were in sort …

Studying Sacred Rhythms—Sabbath

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 4 Comments

A few years ago, we hosted an exchange student from Sweden. It was our first year as empty-nesters, so it was just Roy and I in the house with this sixteen-year-old girl who had been raised on TV reruns of Friends and lived very differently than our conservative Midwest townsfolk. Surprisingly, the biggest difference was our work ethic. Jenny thought …

jogging--heart rest

The Way to Rest

Mesu AndrewsFeature Slides, Uncategorized 2 Comments

I went to a writers’ conference last April and learned something about health and fitness. Crazy, huh? The speaker used an aerobics metaphor to make her point: Measure your resting heart rate before beginning a workout and then at the height of activity. When you’re ready to cool down, measure heart rate again, and time how long it takes to …

Would You Choose Rest or Struggle?

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 4 Comments

If You Had The Choice If your boss/co-workers/husband/kids came to you today and said, “I’ll give you the choice–whole day to do absolutely nothing, or a whole day of stressful situations to deal with,” which would you choose? No-brainer, right? Rest Sounds Best They say, “The grass is always greener…” To a young mom, who hasn’t had a full night’s …