No Greater Love by Rebekah Gyger

Mesu AndrewsBFFs

Trust can be hard. For someone like myself, with both social anxiety and depression, it is an active choice to take someone at their word rather than read into what our imagination thinks they might actually be saying. It is at times a conscious decision to trust that a friend—or even a family member—truly cares for us, when we feel no one could love someone as broken as we are. The same feelings apply to God. There is a waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the facade to fall, and for His true opinion to bleed through. Such thoughts can turn me into an emotional mess.

To some extent, the battle is easier with God since I was raised to believe Him. And I don’t think that there is any stronger proof of love than His dying for me. Yet it took me years to realize what this truly meant.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”John 15:13

A New Creation

There was a God who loved me so much that He didn’t see my flaws. Not because they were not there but because they were washed away. Christ did not die for me only to insist that I become perfect, but instead  He loved me at my worst in order that I might become His.

Left on our own, we all become what we fear: selfish, angry, and unsympathetic. It’s only when someone loves us enough to stick around and do life together that we become better. And only God has the power to offer unstoppable love that sticks through eternity.

How are you reminded of God’s love today?
