I once heard a pastor ask his congregation if they looked for demons in door locks. “When you go to a hotel and your room key doesn’t open the door, do you cast demons out of the lock or accuse God of punishing you? Surely, not. You simply go to the desk and get a new key!” His point was that every bad …
Special Sneak Peek of BY THE WATERS OF BABYLON
It’s Almost Time… I have something special to share with my faithful readers while I’m lovin’ on my new grand babies. I’m offering you an exclusive glimpse at the “in process” manuscript of By the Waters of Babylon! I couldn’t even wait until the line edits were complete, I just had to share it. This indie published novella is a first …
Another “Baby” Precious to My Heart
MAI – Media Associates International MAI – Media Associates International – is an organization my hubby and I have supported for well over twenty years. Its president, John Maust, is a dear friend, who teaches and “shepherds” aspiring international authors. His heart is to travel the globe to train writers everywhere to publish Christian literature in their own countries. We’ve all …
Two Reasons A Good Life May Be Snuffed Out Early
I’m gonna start out a little morbid today but stay with me…we’ll have a hopeful ending. I want to tell you about a few dark weeks back in 1997. On Sunday, August 31, my girls (ages 12 and 10) and I were driving to church—only 5 minutes away—I happened to turn on the radio and we heard that Princess Diana died in a car …
The Difference Between Forgiveness and Consequences
Picture a beautiful sunny day in the Caribbean. My hubby and I had saved our pennies for a family cruise on our older daughter’s senior-year spring break. On this day we’d chosen an excursion on inner-tube motor boats. Dad got one daughter. I got the other. The guide instructed us on how to accelerate, how to steer, and off we went—about 15 of these cumbersome, floating, …
God’s Big Plan
When was the last time you witnessed a child having a full-blown meltdown in public; complete with head-pounding, ear-piercing, chest rattling shrieking, kicking, and crying their demands? I used to judge. I used to think that mother or father a terrible parent. Until I had children—and now grandchildren. Can I just say, Thank the Lord for Facebook and Instagram! These completely unrealistic snapshots of our lives at least balance …