If you’re one of my Newsies, you’ve already received September’s monthly update with Part I on “Who is Ahinoam.” You’ve already read about brave Ahinoam’s hometown and why I DON’T believe David’s wife is the same Ahinoam that Saul married. You also know where the Bible says that Ahinoam was David’s first wilderness wife. If you haven’t yet read Part I …
David: an OT Foreshadowing of Grace
I’ve often been asked why I only write novels about the Old Testament (OT). (CLICK HERE to see all my books.) My answer is firmly rooted in how I came to faith in Jesus, so we can blame my husband! 😆 He’s the one who first explained to me that the Bible is one story, cover to cover. He showed …
Who Is King David?
I may have told y’all before that King David is my favorite Bible hero. Have I also confessed that I love Richard Gere movies? One of the ways I enjoy “researching” biblical characters is by watching movies or reading other novels about the characters I’ll be portraying in my fiction. It often helps me delve more deeply into the culture …
Who Was Prince Jonathan–David’s Best Friend?
Have you ever had a best friend? I have several. Okay, so “best” friend implies one and only, but my God is an ABUNDANT Giver. I believe best friends are His special gift–and He can give as many as He wants! I still consider the girl who became my best friend in grade school through middle school, high school, and …
Who Are Samuel and King Saul?
God chose Saul son of Kish to become Israel’s first king. God chose Samuel, a prophet and priest, to anoint King Saul. Did God make a mistake? Or did Samuel? Neither. The Israelites made the mistake. To this point in Israel’s history, God ALONE had been their King. Previously, when they were in trouble, God sent faithful people like Moses, …
3 Ways Publishing a Book Is Like Spring Gardening
I’m not a gardener, but I lived in Indiana for most of my life, so some farm girl stuff sort of soaks in. My grandma could put a twig in the ground, and a tree would grow, but I somehow got the proverbial “black thumb.” Though I tried a vegetable garden a couple of times (not very successfully), I was …