In June of 2018, I began dreaming of returning to Israel for a second trip. My hubby Roy and I had made our first pilgrimage in 2000. We thought a 2020 trip to celebrate my 10th traditionally published novel, Isaiah’s Legacy, was a great reason to organize a readers’ tour of the biblical and historical sites mentioned in my books. …
Who Is Asenath?
My current WIP (work in progress) is King David’s Brides, so why am I writing a blog about Asenath–the main character of my May 2023 release, In Feast or Famine? Well, because I had a milestone birthday in December–yes, I turned the big 6-0–and my sweet friend/assistant, Amanda, gave me the most unique and amazing gift ever! Amanda employed the artistic …
Poll Results “Most Anticipated Eight” 2024 Releases!
Welcome! And thanks for stopping by to see our Biblical Fiction Fans’ “Most Anticipated Eight” 2024 Releases! Congrats to our winning authors! Most Anticipated Eight 2024 Biblical Fiction Releases! (Titles in order of most overall votes): 429 Ahoti: The Story of Tamar by Eva Marie Everson and Miriam Feinberg Vamosh 369 The Queen’s Cook by Tessa Afshar 366 The Nameless …
“Most Anticipated Eight” Biblical Fiction of 2024
It’s time to begin building your reading list for the New Year! I’ve got a little inside info for you biblical fiction lovers and a plan to help more readers deepen their knowledge of the Bible! You’ll find many of these wonderful biblical fiction titles on the Goodreads, “Most Anticipated Christian Fiction 2024” List. PLEASE CLICK HERE to VOTE, and …
3 Reasons to Feel Thankful and Secure
It’s no coincidence that we’re days away from the American holiday of Thanksgiving, and I’ve just received my editor’s revisions. Gulp. Lord, why can’t I simply be thankful to publish my books and feel secure in Your favor? But even after having published fifteen books with four traditional publishers and working with many top editors, I’m still anxious and insecure …
Israel at War: Part I (Nov. 2023)
When my feet stood on the Promised Land in February 2000, I realized Israel is to the world what the heart is to the human body—the epicenter of life and breath. Perhaps it sounds overly dramatic, but when I exited our plane and stepped onto the pavement at Ben Gurion Airport, something inside me shifted. Though I was 6,000 miles …