I’m often asked, “How do I get my devotionals and poetry published?” The answer is bittersweet. It’s impossibly easy, excruciatingly simple. Check out five suggestions and a copyright trick.
Preachin’ to the Choir – Blog
Good communication is both an art and a science. The Apostle Paul gives an incredible demonstration of addressing his specific audience in Acts 26, using methods we can learn from today.
Return To Your Rest…
Need some rest? You can force your body to rest, even to relax, but how do you make you mind slow down? How do you control your emotions, guiding them in a positive direction? Check out what King David has to say on the matter.
What Should I Write Next?
Choosing a topic for a biblical fiction title isn’t as easy as it may seem. What kinds of questions guide my heart as I research a character…to decide if I want to begin REAL research?