About the Book
When Babylon destroys Jerusalem, as Yahweh warned through his prophets, the captives' bitterness and grief pours out in the Captives' Psalm:
"[By the rivers of Babylon] we sat as exiles, mourning our captivity, and wept with great love for Zion. Our music and mirth were no longer heard, only sadness. We hung up our harps on the willow trees." (Psalm 137:1-2, The Passion Translation)
A young Israelite woman is among them, captured by a mercenary Scythian prince. Driven toward Babylon by both hatred and hope, she endures captivity to reunite with her husband.
But will he be there when she reaches Babylon? Will the prince risk the Scythian throne--and his life--to believe in the Hebrew God? Can they both find what they seek when they meet the prophet Ezekiel. . . by the rivers of Babylon?
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Learn more about The Psalm Series at PsalmSeries.com.Other books in the series:

The Hunter and the Valley of Death: A Parable of Surrender - Psalm 23
by Brennan S. McPherson A man wakes up in the Valley of Death and realizes he's given up everything to attempt to kill Death so that he can bring his Love back to life--but when he fails, who will be there to rescue him? The Hunter and the Valley of Death is a profound meditation on life, death, loss, and love. Formatted as a fantasy parable based on Psalm 23, this story shows that there is only One who could kill Death--and because of him, and him alone, we say, "Oh, Death, where is your sting?"