Love in a Broken Vessel

About the Book:

Hosea has been charged by God with a difficult task—marry a prostitute in order to show God’s people the nature and depth of his love for Israel…

When Hosea goes to Israel to proclaim God’s message, the prostitute God tells him to marry turns out to be his childhood friend Gomer. He finds her broken and abused, unwilling to trust Hosea or his God. But when marrying Hosea becomes her only choice, Gomer does what she’s good at—she survives. Can Hosea’s love for God and God’s love for Israel heal Gomer’s broken spirit?

With her potent combination of in-depth research and masterful storytelling, Mesu Andrews brings to life a complex and fascinating biblical story of the power of love and forgiveness in the face of utter betrayal.

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“Andrews guides readers to fully grasp the ministry of Hosea. She creates biblical characters who are lively and vivacious and hold our attention. Their lives become a rich tapestry to find the One True God. The author is undoubtedly passionate about a believer’s quest to reconnect with God. This read exquisitely brings the Bible to life. God speaks to Hosea; he rises to the challenges of delivering God’s messages to people who have been led astray. Elohim protects Hosea and he meets with his childhood friend, who is now the leading prostitute of a brothel. He wishes to bring her to the prophet’s camp and give her time to heal from a horrid beating. Will their friendship last even when there is betrayal beyond measure?”– Lindy J. Swanson, Romantic Times

"I applaud Mesu Andrews for crafting a novel that's true to Scripture." —Stephanie McCall

"This book gave so much insight into the culture and spiritual climate of ancient Israel..." —Bernice Constantin

"This book challenged me, encouraged me to stand strong, made me forever grateful that I am His, and reminded me of God’s love that is incomprehensible." —Trisha Goddard

"This amazing novel has stirred and opened my heart more than ever, in understanding His unconditional love, mercy and grace." —Jenny Lowen

"Excellent read I loved it. Great voices and storyline. Follows the bible..... providing interesting personal insight into the feelings of Gomer and Hosea. I love long crafty stories...and this one didn't dissapoint. I listen while I cook and do laundry and it takes some of the monotony and boredom out of life. —Hogrock, #Audible Listener

"Fantastic! I felt myself relating this story to my life with the Lord. It’s very healing and thought provoking! —Bonnie Swain

Love in a Broken Vessel

My Book Progress

King's crown
NOBLE: The Story of Maakah

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