When faced with a crucial decision, a life-changing choice, what is your measuring stick? How and from whom do you get direction in those tense moments when a choice must be made? Paul witnesses three such decision-makers that we can learn from.
Reading The Signs
How do you know God’s will or learn to “hear” Him speak? It’s a question everyone struggles with at some point in their relationship with the Lord and one that is a continual area of growth. Here’s a metaphor to explain it and a link for further biblical thought.
Preachin’ To The Choir
Effective communication is essential whenever you have an important message to tell. What could be more important than communicating eternity? Discover Paul’s secrets of effective communication–know your audience…preach to the choir.
What Have I Got To Lose?
What guides your decision-making? Do you base your choices on what others will think or how your decision affects eternity? Check out the politicians governing Paul’s imprisonment, and consider how you’ll make your next big decision. What have you got to lose?
Follow The Leader
What makes a good leader? A good parent? A good friend? Interestingly, the same qualities apply to all and are traits Jesus displayed while He walked on this earth. It’s sort of amazing to see them in a Roman governor…
Waiting And Wondering
Are you tired of waiting? A little impatient? Why does it it seem God makes us wait so long for answers–and sometimes in silent wondering? Take a look at the balance between wanting and waiting and discover ways to endure the wait with grace.