Promises to Keep by Angie Arndt

Mesu AndrewsBFFs 2 Comments

“This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.” Psalm 119:50 ESV I was raised in a “no excuses childhood.” If you promised to do something, you did it. Period. Promises were kept. Chores were completed. If you stayed home from school or church or anywhere else you’d promised to go, then you stayed in bed and you’d …

The Convicting Power of Edits (Part 2)

Mesu AndrewsBFFs 5 Comments

Three people look at every manuscript before I send the rough draft to my senior editor: 1) a close friend, who lives nearby that sees the big picture items (characters, plot sequencing, general clarity); 2) a long-distance friend (CA), who is FANTASTIC at grammar and mechanics; and 3) my husband, who sees every misspelled word, extra space, and typo. I …