This week I went to a state park well known for its rocky cliffs and waterfalls. I hadn’t been to this particular park in about twenty years and wanted to see how it had changed. Well, I don’t think the park has changed much, but I sure have. Twenty years ago, I was young, still in college with no one …
A Constant Spiritual Flow
It’s that time of year when we open our damper all the way. Sounds almost painful, doesn’t it—opening our damper? Fear not. It’s just that flap inside our main duct system leading to the upstairs floor vents. We partially close it in the winter to reduce the heat flow (that naturally rises) in the winter, and we open it in …
Embraced by Eternal Love by Klicia Thompson
Soccer practice…graduation announcements…swim lessons…internship schedules…birthday party… workout…kindergarten art…oral surgery…get the tires changed… My calendar has felt a whole lot of crazy this last month. My mind is spinning and the to-do list never quite gets finished, just transferred to a new list with additional tasks! It seems spring schedules always get so full despite my best attempts to keep life simple. …
Captivate by Kate Hodges
Our thoughts are in constant turmoil. Lists of things that need to be done yesterday, if not sooner. We pick at worries of the future like the loose thread of a sweater, each tug making it worse. We play with ‘what ifs’ the way kittens play with balls of yarn. Yet we are told to take every thought captive. So …
A New Heart for New Projects
I’m so thankful I can be transparent with my BFFs. Y’all know I’ve been struggling to hear from the Lord about my next writing project(s). I thought I knew the direction He wanted me to go, but to actually put the ideas into a proposal was almost painful. Why was I waffling? Then came the weekend at the beach, the …
Full to Bursting!
How long has it been since you’ve felt so full of Jesus that you thought you’d explode? How long since you’ve felt so much love for your friends and/or family that you thought you’d melt? I experienced both of those feelings at a recent women’s retreat. It had been years—even decades—since I’d felt so full. And it changed me… Started …