Was Assyria’s King Sennacherib Married to a Hebrew?

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 12 Comments

The bronze (originally gold-plated) relief above commemorates the restoration of Babylon by Esarhaddon, ca. 681-669 BC. Some scholars believe his mama was Hebrew. Can you see the short, chubby mama (center of pic) standing behind her strapping young son? Yep, that’s Naqi’a-Zakutu (called simply Naqia in Isaiah’s Legacy). Why was she important enough to etch into a relief found in the temple of …

Isaiah’s Martyrdom—How To Sift The Research

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles

Do you see the rabbi at the left? He’s studying a scroll—likely written in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek—with history and traditions I know only a little about. Though I’d love to research in those original languages, I’m limited to English and lots of study aids.   See the little girl at right? That’s how I feel about painting pictures …

Did Assyria Really Use War Dogs?

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 4 Comments

Are you an animal lover? I am. Especially dogs. And I love researching their historical significance and including it in my books. I first learned about Assyria and Babylon’s use of war dogs from reading Tessa Afshar’s book, Harvest of Rubies. I knew from that moment on, if I ever wrote a book that took my characters to Assyria, I’d include …

How Does Manasseh’s HFA Translate to Biblical Culture?

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 2 Comments

I was an Indiana girl until my husband’s career took us to the Pacific Northwest (PNW) in our forties. After a lifetime of living amid cornfields, Mt. Hood stood majestically outside my living room window for nine years. It translated into a real love affair with mountains. When we moved to the North Carolina (NC) mountains in 2016, our new …

3 Questions That Helped Characterize Manasseh

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 4 Comments

In last month’s blog, 3 Sources Helped Me Put Manasseh On the Spectrum, I promised to share today 3 questions that helped me decide WHERE on the spectrum to place him. Researching laser sharp concepts helped me characterize thoughts, speech, and actions while writing Isaiah’s Legacy. Why would the son of two devout Yahweh worshipers turn so vehemently against Yahweh? …

3 Sources Helped Me Put Manasseh on the Spectrum

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 5 Comments

Why would anyone link an ancient Judean king with autism? Let me begin with full disclosure. No one in my family or circle of friends has officially been placed on the spectrum. And I didn’t write King Manasseh’s fictional persona as high-functioning autistic (HFA) to push an agenda. I wrote Judah’s fourteenth king with this particular struggle because careful and …