Big Mistake It began when I told my husband I’d given one of our daughters advice about how to “handle” a young man she was dating. A female trick of the trade. Every man is different–like a fingerprint–so each one needs slightly different tactics to soften their rough edges…blah, blah, blah… I should have realized a man wouldn’t appreciated it. In fact, MY …
June Newsletter: Featured Article
Laptop to Bookstore – Journey of a Manuscript When I signed my first contract in November 2008, I had no idea what process lay ahead in the coming months (and years) to transform a manuscript from my laptop into a book on store shelves. I’ve been told all publishing houses vary in specific processes, but here’s how the fabulous folks …
3 Layers of Knowing-Your Characters and Your God
Knowing the Difference Have you ever read (or written) a book and perhaps enjoyed the story but felt you didn’t really KNOW the characters–their emotions, personalities, fears, and motivations? Have you ever spent time with Jesus, read your Bible, prayed–and then walked away feeling as if you’d been talking to yourself the whole time? I’ve experienced all three: read and …
Do We Call A High Priest “my lord”?
What’s Your Opinion? For my WIP, In the Shadow of Jezebel, my editor and I have talked, discussed, surmised, harrumphed, and shrugged about this question: Is it appropriate for priests and Temple guards to call Yahweh’s High Priest, “my lord”? But it’s a question that needs an answer, so I thought we’d include readers in the conversations! LORD, Lord, and lord (Unfortunately, my …
Potent Punctuation–Let’s Get Spiritual
If you’re a stickler for proper punctuation, the Bible’s sentence structures might drive you to distraction. Thankfully, I don’t go to Scripture to learn grammar technique. HOWEVER, I recently found an interesting punctuation lesson in God’s Word… Isaiah Said… In Isaiah’s prophecy of doom for God’s idolatrous people, there came a point when the LORD was moved by compassion. He …
Who Is Jesus To You?
John’s POV I’ve been reading in John’s Gospel for my quiet time. It’s been three weeks, and I’m still in chapter one because I’m reading with new insight. The Apostle John wasn’t just recounting the details of Jesus’ ministry. He was reliving the days spent with his Best Friend. So, I’m reading with John’s POV (point of view), and I’m …