Just how good looking was Joseph? What sort of gorgeous could have inspired legends? Why did God, in His inspired Scripture and eternal Truth, record the infamous detail that Joseph was “well-built and handsome” (Gen. 39:7)? Weren’t other biblical heroes well-built and/or handsome? Samson never had trouble finding a date. David was “healthy and handsome” (1 Sam. 16:12)–but he was sort …
Which Pharaoh Did Joseph Serve?
When you think of ancient pharaohs, do you imagine them with the same skin tones and facial features as the men in the picture below? Until I began researching The Pharaoh’s Daughter in 2014, I thought all pharaohs were “cookie cutter” Egyptians: black hair, dark eyes, and brown skin. Wow, was I wrong! Did you know some ancient pharaohs were from Southern Africa, the land …
Tying Adam to Abraham and Joseph
(CLICK HERE to find out more about Daughters of Terah) Abraham is sort of a rock star. He’s at the heart of three world religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. He had a gorgeous wife–Sarai/Sarah–who was taken by two kings into their harems–once when she was sixty-five and again at the age of ninety (Gen. 12, 20). But we learn from …
An Old Testament Christmas
Many folks have asked why I only write Old Testament novels. Why not write Paul’s story? Or choose one of the lesser known women of the New Testament, like Peter’s wife or the woman Jesus healed from her twelve years of bleeding. Would it surprise you that the person who helped me understand how Jesus saved me from eternal death …
Working With Editors – Pt 2
When I saw the “Evel Pie” sign on our recent “first timer’s” tour of Las Vegas, I thought: Those folks needed a better editor! Then I discovered the place was named after the motorcycle stunt driver, Evel Knievel. Very clever–and very good pizza (though in our taste comparison, Good Pie was better, IMO). 😉 Have you ever seen a road sign …
OWB Blog Hop – The Reluctant Rival: Leah
The Reluctant Rival: Leah’s Story is the story of Jacob and his first wife, Leah, described in Genesis 29:16-25. About the Book: The moment Leah set eyes on Jacob ben Isaac, she was in love. Unfortunately, Jacob preferred her younger sister, Rachel. But when her father hatched a plan that would make Leah Jacob’s wife, she agreed due to her …