Cover Reveal – NOBLE: The Story of Maakah

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 16 Comments

The Mock Up–First Try: The cover you see at left (or above) is the “mock up” I received from my publisher on September 7, 2024–eleven months before the book’s projected release date. Beautiful, right? I loved it. However, as the author, I’ve formed a picture in my mind of “Maakah,” and I’ve described her in great detail in my book. …

Who Was Ahinoam? Part I

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

We’re all familiar with the story of Abigail and Nabal, her wicked husband, right? But who was David’s bride, Ahinoam? She’s actually mentioned for the first time at the end of Abigail’s story: Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, attended by her five female servants, went with David’s messengers and became his wife. David had also married Ahinoam of …

Who Is Abigail: Nabal’s Widow from Carmel?

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

I always choose a photo for my characters before writing the story to help my imagination while describing their features for the book. The woman pictured is a news anchor in Israel. Her name is Lucy Aharish, and “she has described her identity as ‘Israeli, woman, Arab Muslim’ in that order.” Can you see the strength of character and determination …

Who Was David’s Family?

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 2 Comments

Families are _____________. I suppose there could be as many different answers to that as the number of people who read this post. Every family is unique and yet it seems all families have many of the same characteristics. Don’t we all have a “weird Uncle Harold” (or strange “Aunt Suzette”)–eccentric yet lovable in his/her own way? What about the …

3 Types of Retreat Every Author Needs

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

Before I describe the stress of an author’s life–and the dear authors who helped relieve my stress last month–let me say it’s an honor to do the thing I love most: write about God’s Word. When others are encouraged by my stories and/or devotional thoughts, it’s icing on the cake. When writing becomes a career with contracts, deadlines, and rising …