How do you pick your friends? Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo? Draw straws? Rock, Paper, Scissors? I recently spent a whole week with six friends at North Carolina’s Outer Banks. All but one came because they were writers, but I was fascinated by the chemistry that developed between these women–the swirling of my various worlds that collided under one roof. It was interesting …
Q & A With a Google Curl
When Isaiah’s Legacy released, on February 18, 2020, several of my BFF team got together to do a blog tour. Some asked me to write about research topics, while others asked for Q & A formats. Since we had pretty low activity, I’ve shared the posts from that tour on my own blog over the past seven months. I hope …
First Things 1st
Are y’all reading through your Bible this year? As you might recall, I mentioned at the first of the year I’d be doing a chronological read-thru with a group on YouVersion. Well, we’re just about done with the prophets–no…I mean we’re just about DONE with these moaning, wailing, whining prophets! Eeee-gad! Isaiah told us there’d be a remnant saved from …
What Is True?
In the newsletter, I opened by pondering what’s true about Labor Day. What do we know, and what is still up for debate? As I’ve gotten older, I find myself certain about fewer things. Does age make us cynical? Not necessarily. Perhaps a better goal is caution. Before we put all our eggs into one basket, let’s be sure the basket can …
Is Back-to-School Meaningful “Under the Sun”?
Meet Charleigh Rae King, grandchild #6. Roy and I live in the basement of her house (our younger daughter’s family). She starts first grade today, and her brother, Garrison, is a second-grader at Grace Academy–where Grampy Roy is headmaster. We’re praying back-to-school is meaningful for all three. What do I mean by “meaningFUL”? I just finished reading Ecclesiastes in July …
Major Impact from a Minor Character
Guest Post by Jay Payleitner Might you ever question whether or not your modest life can make an impact? You’re not alone. Allow me to introduce a man I am quite confident will be a new friend, colleague, and favorite prophet. In your study of the Bible, you’ve read the chapter he authored, but probably didn’t give the man himself …