A January Glimpse Of Potiphar’s Wife

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

“Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there.” Genesis 39:1 More Than Joseph’s Story If you’ve read any of my other books, I hope you could tell I LOVE to research. The same was true with this …

That's Just Not Normal

Weird Family, Wonderful God

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 6 Comments

Let’s face it. Every family has a weird Uncle Harold. Our family has several–though not named Harold–and they sometimes make celebrating the holidays a little uncomfortable. Can you relate? Have you ever wondered why God came to earth as: a Baby in a manger rather than a soldier with a sword. the son of a poor carpenter instead of a …

How To Change a Mind

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 6 Comments

As we move through autumn, lovely green leaves change into a colorful palette before melding into winter’s dreary gray. Change. It’s all good when we talk about leaves, but when we talk about our lives–or changing habits or how we feel about something we’re passionate about–it gets a little uncomfortable. A Big Fat Question–Or Three In one of my all-time …

Recognizing God’s Creation In Your Life

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 6 Comments

I returned yesterday from a two-week writing retreat at North Carolina’s Outer Banks. I’ve gone there each October for the past five years, and every time Jesus has spoken to me powerfully. The Lord opens my spiritual ears when I’m silent before Him in His marvelous Creation. He stirs my wonder and gratitude while making me feel both small and …