Is Back-to-School Meaningful “Under the Sun”?

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 4 Comments

Meet Charleigh Rae King, grandchild #6. Roy and I live in the basement of her house (our younger daughter’s family). She starts first grade today, and her brother, Garrison, is a second-grader at Grace Academy–where Grampy Roy is headmaster. We’re praying back-to-school is meaningful for all three.

What do I mean by “meaningFUL”?

I just finished reading Ecclesiastes in July with my YouVersion Bible Read Thru group. The word “meaningLESS” is used 60 times (NIV) in Ecclesiastes and only 8 more times in the whole Bible.

So, why talk about Ecclesiastes when we’re hoping to have a meaningFULL school year? Because though I started reading Ecclesiastes this year with a pretty sour attitude (could you tell), by the time I finished, I felt strangely encouraged!

Older and Wiser

Perhaps there are things in Ecclesiastes that we can only grasp after a lifetime of emotional and practical experience. I read those twelve chapters differently at age fifty-six than I did when I was twenty-five (which, BTW, was my age when I first read and studied Ecclesiastes in an adult Sunday school class).

It’s why I believe Solomon wrote this book when he was older–perhaps even at the end of his life. We know his wives led him astray, but at the end of Ecclesiastes, Solomon at least sees the true meaning of life is found in God alone.

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Meaningful Message

So what’s the overall message of Ecclesiastes? I think Solomon was trying to tell us that everything UNDER THE SUN is worthless. Pleasure. Possessions. Power. Good things and bad. All of it holds no meaning if we do it with eyes and hearts fixed “under the sun.”

However, living a life driven by eternity (life focused ABOVE THE SUN) is incredibly meaningful–even while living it on earth!

So what does this pondering on Ecclesiastes have to do with back-to-school COVID stress?

Be Ambassadors

If our schools are a place for children to learn and become driven adults with a successful future in this life–Ecclesiastes is a depressing Book.

If, on the other hand, our schools are a place for children, teachers, and administrators to be ambassadors for Jesus–waiting to be called Home after work on earth is done–then Ecclesiastes becomes a comforting reminder.

But this way of thinking isn’t just for Back-to-School, is it? How are you living your life during these COVID days? Are your eyes and heart focused on things UNDER THE SUN? Or are you focused on things above, taking loving precautions with those around you, while living as an ambassador for Jesus?

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:1-2

Comments 4

  1. I really appreciate your insight on this book of the Bible. I never thought about the phrase ‘under the sun” in this interpretation. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.

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  2. Every time I read Ecclesiastes I realize all the more why this life is a dressing place to meet God one day. All other things are really just vanity. Thanks for the little sermon. You have a cute little granddaughter. I hope she and your hubby has a great year in spite of Covid. One of my daughters are homeschooling her two youngest and the oldest is in college. The oldest is going to college some days and other days taking virtual classes. My other daughter is doing virtual schooling for my other 3 grands. She was scared to send them to school because they live right beside us and are in and out of our house all the time. My husband and I have lots of health issues so we are trying to be very careful.

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      The COVID world in which we live has certainly changed lots and lots of things. Schooling choices are so tough on families. Sounds like your dear ones are experiencing the whole spectrum! Blessings, friend!

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