Snow, Deadlines, and Christmas…Oh My!

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 14 Comments

Greetings, y’all! 

In today’s newsletter, I’d like to share a little glimpse of life from our little log cabin during this Christmas season. As you might have heard, winter storm Diego brought a little snow to our neck-o-the-woods. At our house, we saw 19” in 36 hours of the most beautiful, fluffy, white powder all over our mountaintop. Fantastic for keeping me at home to finish the first draft of Isaiah’s Legacy. In fact, the snow came on Saturday, and we didn’t get out until Thursday. It was GLORIOUS! 

The antique typewriter in my office.

The final push for Isaiah’s Legacy has been like the final stages of childbirth, intense and painful. But I hope it has produced a story that communicates what I believe to be the most powerful prodigal story in Scripture. So many times while writing and researching, I’ve asked the Lord, Is anyone going to slog through Manasseh’s dark reign to get to the glorious redemption at the end? And then I’d find an amazing nugget in research that proved the Lord’s guiding hand—in both “Nasseh’s” life and in this story. Thank you all for your prayers in the first leg of the journey of the 2020 sequel to Isaiah’s Daughter. 

Let the Christmas shopping begin! Now that my writing goals have been met, I can FINALLY focus on the REASON FOR THE SEASON! The next two weeks will be filled with family visits, homemade gifts, and holiday baking. I’ll likely set aside most social media traffic to take a much-needed break and focus on my neglected health and family. Again, thank you all for your prayers, your notes of encouragement, and your faithful readership. I’m so blessed to “do life” with fellow lovers of God’s Word—especially in the season we celebrate the greatest Life of all! 


Comments 14

  1. Wow! To all of it. Being snowed in, your tree, finishing your difficult writing goals and now, being able to rejoice in a well deserved break. I pray your mind, body, and soul are filled with His life giving peace and REST. Merry Christmas!

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  2. Dear Mesu, you minister to all your readers through you stunning books, so of course, have an overdue, well-deserved Christmas break! I trust that having family and friends there, all your preparation work etc will NOT be stressful – but that they will all give and give their time and service to you.
    Wise decision to have a break from social media for this time… and no-one will be annoyed. I promise.. on their behalf. (Now that’s a risk!)
    Be thoroughly blessed with His warm presence, grace and favour.. soak Him in and enjoy Him. Much love to you.

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  3. Dear Mesu and Roy. May you have a very Blessed Christmas Celebration with your family and enjoy and relax and recoup from all your hard work with your books and research . Your are remarkable and I don’t know how t you do it other than your reliance on our God. Give your mama a hug from me and wish her a Happy New Year!! Thank you for all your effort to put it out there for us….

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  4. Glad you had time to finish your rough draft. I love a few days locked in but we very rarely have that in MS unless we have an ice storm. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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  5. Away in your cabin with mountains and snow sounds absolutely delightful!
    So glad you’re getting some time to rest and enjoy your family!

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  6. I. am wishing you a belated birthday and to say how blessed we all are for the books that God guides you through. Thank you for the hard work you do to bring us all such pleasure of reading all your books!

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  7. I Love this time of the year, more so since i became a Christian all those years ago, since 1987 actually ha ha, we know our Lord is with us always, but isn’t it wonderful that at this time of the year we can celebrate His love towards us, the sacrifice He made in coming down to us, to walk among us, God Himself Hallelujah!! It’s good you have everything accomplished with your dead lines etc, now you can truly settle down and rejoice in the Gift our Father in Heaven sent to us many years ago! Have a blessed and peaceful Christmas with your family and friends 🙂

  8. Mesu – when I read your books, I am RIGHT THERE! and when I close the book for the night, I truly wish I could go back in time and live back then. Even with all the bad things going on in those times, the level of faith in God they had is so wonderful. My heart aches for this world to be so in love with our Father like they were. I love Him so much and I wish everyone did. Thank you so much for bringing such joy to your readers. I always read a book before bed and your books have let me lay my head down and close my eyes with a contented smile. God bless you and have a wonderful, blessed Christmas.

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