Picture a beautiful sunny day in the Caribbean. My hubby and I had saved our pennies for a family cruise on our older daughter’s senior-year spring break. On this day we’d chosen an excursion on inner-tube motor boats. Dad got one daughter. I got the other. The guide instructed us on how to accelerate, how to steer, and off we went—about 15 of these cumbersome, floating, …
God’s Big Plan
When was the last time you witnessed a child having a full-blown meltdown in public; complete with head-pounding, ear-piercing, chest rattling shrieking, kicking, and crying their demands? I used to judge. I used to think that mother or father a terrible parent. Until I had children—and now grandchildren. Can I just say, Thank the Lord for Facebook and Instagram! These completely unrealistic snapshots of our lives at least balance …
Review of PRIZE OF WAR by Carole Towriss
Book Description Acsah is the only daughter of the mighty Caleb, Israel’s most famous spy. When Acsah can’t seem to choose a husband, Caleb feels he must step in, and she soon finds herself betrothed to a warrior. That’s the last thing she wants, however. Soldiers are never home…. Othniel has loved Acsah for as long as he can remember. When Caleb makes his unbelievable …
The Problem with Pantzing and Plotting
Defining the Terms Bear with me a moment while I sound like an author. Notice I said sound like and author because, even after completing my ninth book (yes, the Psalm 137 novella is done!), it’s hard to think of myself as an author. Pantzing I AM NOT referring to the junior high practice of pulling down your friend’s gym shorts. I AM …
What Do Isaiah and Batman Have in Common?
I’m guessing you’ve never thought of Batman while reading the book of Isaiah. Me neither. But in Isaiah’s Daughter, this courageous prophet must slip through a secret entrance in his personal wine cellar and enter a honeycomb of underground caves to rescue his friends. I thought he was a little super-hero-ish as I wrote some of his courageous decisions. His words. His deeds. Granted, Isaiah’s family-owned home and its secret entrance wasn’t as snazzy as Bruce Wayne’s bat-cave, but his courage felt every …
Welcome, Jill Eileen Smith!
I’m so excited to introduce you to the lady that opened the door for our current resurgence of quality biblical novels. When I took my first book proposal to a writer’s conference in 2001, I had a small component of biblical fiction buried within a Bible study. The editor shook his head and, among his myriad of objections, said: “Biblical …