When faced with a crucial decision, a life-changing choice, what is your measuring stick? How and from whom do you get direction in those tense moments when a choice must be made? Paul witnesses three such decision-makers that we can learn from.
Preachin’ to the Choir – Blog
Good communication is both an art and a science. The Apostle Paul gives an incredible demonstration of addressing his specific audience in Acts 26, using methods we can learn from today.
Waiting And Wondering
Are you tired of waiting? A little impatient? Why does it it seem God makes us wait so long for answers–and sometimes in silent wondering? Take a look at the balance between wanting and waiting and discover ways to endure the wait with grace.
Tired of unfair labels? How do you share the love of Jesus with those who have already pigeon-holed you into a category of their own making? Learn a few tricks from the Apostle Paul.
It happened again yesterday. Someone asked me that hard-to-answer question that defies explanation: “How do you write to a deadline when your chronic illnesses flare up?” My standard answer has become, “I just keep writing.” But there’s so much more to it than that.
There can be a hundred reasons for rejection. As an author, I’ve dealt with rejection for years—and still do. But rejection isn’t reserved for authors. Perhaps a friend of yours has been too busy to have coffee…the last four times you’ve asked. Maybe your husband isn’t home for supper…again. Or we could talk about every parent’s rejection nightmare—teenagers. Oy-vay!