I spent the majority of January’s blog post, distinguishing what was Truth, Fact, and Fiction in my award-winning debut novel, Love Amid the Ashes (LATA). I offered insights about the Truth, Fact, and Fiction in Love’s Sacred Song (LSS) in February’s newsletter. So, in today’s blog post, I’ll share fun tidbits about the story of the prophet Hosea and his …
Who is Micah?
When we look at the people in our churches, we see great variety. Tall and short. Young and old. Thin and . . . not so thin (especially after all those Thanksgiving and Christmas goodies!). Big churches, little churches, well-to-do parishes, and those that struggle financially. We could break it down into Protestant, Catholic, Evangelicals and then name various denominations. But what’s …
Brokenness–Even the “Good” Get Badly Broken
Brokenness From 3 Sources If you haven’t yet read the book, Love in a Broken Vessel, let me give you a short synopsis. It’s the story of a faithful prophet, Hosea, who is commanded by God to marry a prostitute named Gomer. Much of this novel is based on the biblical record of Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Jonah, Amos, 2 Kings, and …
3 Ways to Avoid Spiritual Famine
What Kind of “Spiritual Famine”? In Israel’s history, the days of King Jeroboam II, Amos prophesied Yahweh’s message of an imminent famine to Amaziah, High Priest at Bethel’s temple, home of the golden calf: “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land—not a famine of food or a thirst for water, …
Why the Title “Love in a Broken Vessel”?
Quick Change Artist Many of you know that my husband used to be a pastor. He left full-time pastoral ministry in 2007 to pursue the overarching call of his life–teaching. He began as a high school teacher and coach before going to seminary. He then served as a pastor for fourteen year, and finished his doctoral degree at the same …
Roll Call! Broken Vessel’s Cast of Kings…
What’s the Story? My third biblical novel, Love in a Broken Vessel (Revell, March 1, 2013), tells the story of the Old Testament prophet, Hosea, who was called by the LORD to marry a prostitute named, Gomer. The LORD called Hosea to use the love and heartache from his marriage to fuel his passion to share God’s love and heartache at Israel’s prostitution to other gods.
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