Truth, Fact, & Fiction in Treasures of His Love – Part 3 (Hosea & Gomer)

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles

I spent the majority of January’s blog post, distinguishing what was Truth, Fact, and Fiction in my award-winning debut novel, Love Amid the Ashes (LATA). I offered insights about the Truth, Fact, and Fiction in Love’s Sacred Song (LSS) in February’s newsletter. So, in today’s blog post, I’ll share fun tidbits about the story of the prophet Hosea and his …

Covid Changed Our Tour Sites and Short Stories Changed Our Hearts

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 3 Comments

In June of 2018, I began dreaming of returning to Israel for a second trip. My hubby Roy and I had made our first pilgrimage in 2000. We thought a 2020 trip to celebrate my 10th traditionally published novel, Isaiah’s Legacy, was a great reason to organize a readers’ tour of the biblical and historical sites mentioned in my books. …

Israel At War: Part II (Biblical Approach)

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

Greetings, Newsies! Whether you’ve just joined this special group or been with me from the beginning, I appreciate you! Generally speaking, my Newsies are committed to spreading the news of Jesus and Biblical Truth to the nations. I spread those messages with deeply researched Old Testament novels that teach through the power of stories. Hopefully, this post will bring some …

Israel at War: Part I (Nov. 2023)

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles

When my feet stood on the Promised Land in February 2000, I realized Israel is to the world what the heart is to the human body—the epicenter of life and breath. Perhaps it sounds overly dramatic, but when I exited our plane and stepped onto the pavement at Ben Gurion Airport, something inside me shifted. Though I was 6,000 miles …

Tour Israel With Two Storytellers

Mesu AndrewsBook Reviews, Featured Articles 5 Comments

We’re Going Back to Israel! On February 17 – March 2, 2025, we’ll take as many as fifty excited readers to Israel and offer an optional extension to Petra! Wait, “WE”? Yep! My dear friend and fellow biblical fiction author, Connilyn Cossette, and I have teamed up! We’re leading a tour that will focus on our greatest passions: God’s Word …

Review: Hidden Scars – Rahab by Rebekah Gyger

Mesu AndrewsBook Reviews

Meet my friend, BFF, volunteer editor, and now fellow author! I’m thrilled to introduce Rebekah Gyger, the author of Hidden Scars: Rahab. Rebekah and I first met when she joined my BFF Team many years ago. (BFFs are a special group of readers who help promote my books.) She has a passion for God’s Word, research, archaeology, and reading–everything I love too! …