Who Is Potiphar?

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles

Potiphar is kind of a big deal in my writing journey. Did you know he’s the reason I wrote Of Fire and Lions–my book about Daniel? Long-story-short: Because of Isaiah’s prophecy to Hezekiah, Daniel’s ancestor, I thought Nebuchadnezzar’s soldiers (Daniel 1:3-4) made Daniel a eunuch when they took him captive to Babylon: “And some of your descendants, your own flesh and …

3 Secrets to Research Success for Potiphar’s Wife

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 9 Comments

After people read my books, they often ask, “Where do you get all your research?” I wish there was a single, magic well of information that we could simply plumb for depths of ancient historical knowledge. But there isn’t. 🙁 Research comes in fits and spirts. Long days (and nights) and lots of skimming books and online info. I love …

Pondering Joseph & Potiphar’s Wife

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 9 Comments

I love the 3-4 months right before a book releases! That’s when I get to begin sharing all the fun research and behind-the-scenes STUFF I’ve discovered about the characters–especially Joseph & Potiphar’s Wife! My newest novel, Potiphar’s Wife, releases on May 24th, and WOWZERS! There are some fascinating things I learned (and wrote) about Joseph and that bad girl of …

Was Potiphar a Eunuch?

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 12 Comments

Well, here’s a topic no male of our species every wants to discuss. But according to the original Hebrew language of Scripture, Potiphar was, in fact, a eunuch. But Maybe Not THAT Kind of Eunuch… According to the Jewish Encyclopedia (online), not all “eunuchs” are created equal: The term “saris” is commonly used in the Old Testament of eunuchs; but …

Live Free Without Changing Your Address

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

God gave each of us an innate sense–an instinct–to react with fight or flight when faced with stress. My reaction is often flight. I tend to be like my movie hero, Forrest Gump, who stayed free of conflict by taking the advice of his only friend, Jenny. She said: “Run, Forrest! Run!” Don’t you wish we could outrun some of …