I spent the majority of January’s blog post, distinguishing what was Truth, Fact, and Fiction in my award-winning debut novel, Love Amid the Ashes (LATA). I offered insights about the Truth, Fact, and Fiction in Love’s Sacred Song (LSS) in February’s newsletter. So, in today’s blog post, I’ll share fun tidbits about the story of the prophet Hosea and his …
First Things 1st
Are y’all reading through your Bible this year? As you might recall, I mentioned at the first of the year I’d be doing a chronological read-thru with a group on YouVersion. Well, we’re just about done with the prophets–no…I mean we’re just about DONE with these moaning, wailing, whining prophets! Eeee-gad! Isaiah told us there’d be a remnant saved from …
Real People, Real God—Good News and Bad…
Download the Study Notes Today, we’ll highlight the rest of the OT story by discussing the highs and lows of various characters and periods in Israel’s history. Follow along with the notes: Oh, That King Saul Saul, if you remember from our last episode, was handsome and a head taller than any man in Israel. High point: Saul showed admirable …
Roll Call! Broken Vessel’s Cast of Prophets…
What’s the Story? My third biblical novel, Love in a Broken Vessel (Revell, March 1, 2013), tells the story of the Old Testament prophet, Hosea, who was called by the LORD to marry a prostitute named, Gomer.