Potiphar’s Wife – Bad Review Blues

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

Let me begin this post by assuring you that after twelve novels, “bad” reviews aren’t nearly as discouraging as they were in the early days. Also, I’m fairly certain I would have gotten a few MORE “bad” reviews on Potiphar’s Wife if it were my first or second novel instead of my twelfth. Why? Most of the folks who review my books now …

How do I Choose

How I Choose My Book Topics

Mesu AndrewsFeatured Articles 4 Comments

February is BFF month! My team of BFFs (Biblical Fiction Fans) opens its arms to include new members, which means it’s time to start talking about my fall 2017 release, Isaiah’s Daughter! Should you choose to fill out an application to join our team, CLICK HERE! A few weeks ago, I asked y’all on my Facebook page to ask some …