Fact Or Fiction

Though this page is called, Fact Or Fiction, there’s that 3rd element—Truth—that creates the third strand braided into biblical novels. God’s Word is Truth and the unalterable foundation of every story I write. I then add facts and fiction to build a believable story.

Ancient history–the “facts”–oftentimes conflict and can be controversial even among Bible-believing scholars. I try to read enough resources to find a golden thread of agreement in the facts. Those are the building blocks I use, applying creative fiction as the mortar that holds both facts and Truth together.

By building fact and fiction on the solid foundation of Scripture’s Truth, I hope to create a story that’s difficult to separate the three strands. Why? Because when curiosity compels readers to pick up a Bible and read the Truth for themselves, my ultimate goal is achieved—to help others fall in love with God and His Word as I have.

The FACT or FICTION page you choose to read may have spoilers! So if you haven’t yet read the book—BEWARE! Beyond this point you might read facts or surprises that could ruin the twists and turns of our heroine’s (and hero’s) journeys. Enjoy!

Click a cover to find out more!


The Reluctant Rival —Leah's Story by Mesu AndrewsOf Fire and Lions by Mesu AndrewsIsaiah's Daughter by Mesu AndrewsThe Waters of Babylon by Mesu Andrews