Newsletter Sign-Up Now on Website!

Mesu AndrewsWhat's New

Newsletter Sign-Up Is Here!

The monthly e-Newsletter sign-up is ready for your name and email address! Why should you sign up to receive my newsletter to be delivered to your inbox each month?

Why a Newsletter? Let Me Count the Reasons:

  1. Those who sign up get a FREE DOWNLOAD of the never-before-seen, Unpulished Prologue of Love in a Broken Vessel! That’s write! It’s the Prologue that got HACKED!
  2. And the May Newsletter will tell you all Why it got hacked! (I’ll even share some of my editor’s quotes from the editing process.)
  3. Subsequent newsletters will also include fun results from reader Q&A/polls, biblical novel reviews, my writing world, and a glimpse into my personal world.

Here’s How To Sign-Up:

Just enter your name and address in the designated space on the right side of my website–on any of the pages.

  • And if you haven’t yet signed up for my Blog Posts, be sure to do that too! Right under the Newsletter sign up! Blog posts will arrive in your inbox on Fridays.