New Mercies by Linda McFarland

Mesu AndrewsBFFs

On a recent Sunday morning at church we sang “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” This is a hymn I have heard many times throughout my life. I was particularly drawn to the words, “His mercies are new every morning.” I thought, Wow, I don’t get leftover mercies, I receive new mercies every day! God’s mercies are abundant and never-failing. When I …

Abandoned to Faith by Paula White

Mesu AndrewsBFFs

For seven long years, Israel’s enemy had been making life miserable for them. Having exhausted their own strength, Israel cried out to God for help. God sent a prophet to remind them how he had delivered them in the past, how they had gotten themselves into this mess through their own disobedience and irreverence. End of story. Seriously? God was …

Dare to Stand Out by Rebecca Van Daniker

Mesu AndrewsBFFs

“Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine he drank.” – Daniel 1:8 If you grew up in the church like me, then you’ve probably heard or read about Daniel many times. He was the man God spared from the lion’s den. However, the more that …

God of the Dark Places by Paula S. White

Mesu AndrewsBFFs

Does God Lead Us Into Dark Places? Throughout the Bible, God led his people into worlds different from their own, places they would never have chosen to go. Esther in Darkness “God separated the light from the darkness.” Genesis 1:4b (Amplified Version) In the book of Esther, a young woman was taken from her home and family, placed in a world …