Stop Buzzing and Be Still by Gabrielle Agwu

Mesu AndrewsBFFs

One of my favorite songs is “Breathe” by Jonny Diaz.  The lyrics accompanied by fast paced music are:

Alarm clock screaming
bare feet hit the floor
It’s off to the races
        everybody out the door
                                                 I’m feeling like I’m falling behind,                                                   It’s a crazy life!

Then the music slows down and the chorus begins,

Just breathe
“Come and rest
at my feet
And be,
Just be
Chaos calls
But all you really need
Is to just

His Plan

In 2016, my husband’s job relocated him four hours away from our home in the Maryland Suburbs to Virginia Beach.  The first few months were chaotic.  Finances were crazy with a rent added to our already strained budget.  I missed my husband, my girls missed their father and I was exhausted doing everything alone.  I was just rushing from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed.  There wasn’t even time to have my devotions.  One morning, God stopped me with this verse:

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Followed by:

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

And then I felt like He said to me:

Be still.  Gabrielle, BE STILL.  What are you racing for? What’s your hurry?  I have you.  I have your situation in the palm of my hand.  Be still and breathe.  I have you.

I sat on the edge of my bed and breathed, a long deep breath.  That morning I decided two things.

  1. I am going to spend more time resting at the feet of Jesus and not running crazy without His guidance.
  2. When I feel myself beginning to run helter skelter, I’m going to Be still, Breath and remember God’s got me!  He has me in the palm of His Hand and everything will be okay.

His Faithfulness

Our family was split for 18 months.  They were the longest months of my life.  While our finances took a hit, our cars never broke down.  Our house never needed a repair.  No one in our family fell ill.  Our accounts were never overdrawn.  God carried my family and kept us in his care.

I have a graphic on my desk that reminds me during the day of Psalms 46:10.  I hope it can be of encouragement to you also.

Gabrielle’s desk graphic