Review: Splendor of the Land by Connilyn Cossette

Mesu AndrewsBook Reviews

Connilyn Cossette is one of my favorite authors, and it’s not because she’s one of my bestie author friends. This woman can WRITE! Conni’s debut novel, Counted With the Stars, began with the biblical history of Israel’s Exodus from Egypt. She created a foundation of characters linked from that debut set in Egypt through the Bible’s chronological history to the families …

Testing or Torture: Joseph’s Brothers in Egypt

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

I don’t look sick, do I? The year was 2002, right before the health crash that landed me in bed for six months. Between 1997 – 2005, I endured a lot of medical testing. (CLICK HERE for more about my chronic illness battle.) At times, I questioned whether it should be called testing or torture. Were it not for believing my doctors …

Do You Have the Heart of A Sojourner?

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

During my quiet time a couple of weeks ago, I came across a startling verse in Exodus about sojourners. “You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt” Exodus 23:9 ESV The heart of a sojourner. The phrase stopped me in my tracks. NIV says, “the heart …

Review: Nightfall In the Garden of Deep Time by Tracy Higley

Mesu AndrewsBook Reviews

Welcome, to my sweet friend, Tracy Higley! Her deep love for Scripture, history, and all things Egypt made us kindred spirits immediately. Though she usually writes historical within a biblical context, Nightfall in the Garden of Deep Time is a book Tracy is very passionate about and one I’m so excited to share with y’all! Here’s a quick video in which Tracy …

October Polling Reports and Calendar Cuts

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

Beginning in October, we’re hitting on all cylinders for my favorite season of the year–FALL! In both my newsletter featured articles and blog posts I’ll begin sharing more of the spiritual impact and behind-the-scenes writing information about my May 2023 release, In Feast or Famine (my Amazon affiliate link). Last month I offered surveys in both my blog and newsletter asking what interests you about: research, …