Many of you already know that my writing career didn’t begin with fiction. I started writing Bible studies and devotionals, but–like many other non-fiction hopefuls–no traditional publisher would contract them. Why? Because I didn’t have what the industry calls a “platform.” I wasn’t a recognized expert who could sell lots of “expert-opinion” books. I really only wanted to sell one …
Best-Selling Authors’ Favorite Books
When you pour blood, sweat, and tears onto every page of each published book, it’s tough to choose only one of those books as a favorite. But I’ve promised my Newsies I’d give you the inside scoop on which book I consider my favorite–and provide a list of other best-selling authors and their favorites! My Favorite… If I …
Ah-Hah! Research Discoveries About Joseph in Egypt
Part of what I love most about research is the stunning discoveries that come with every project. I never dreamed high-priest Jehoiada was in his mid-nineties when he married 16-year-old Jehosheba. (Ewww!) Together, they saved King David’s lineage from Queen Athaliah’s murderous rampage (see 2 Kings 11; In the Shadow of Jezebel). Who’d have thought Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, was a …
Author Life–the Good, the Hard, the Glorious!
In 1999, I was determined to turn a Bible study on Song of Solomon into a hybrid novel/study and take the publishing industry by storm. It didn’t matter that I knew nothing about publishing, writing (fiction or non-fiction), and had no idea what a published author actually DID–besides write. So I bought a book to teach me: You Can Write a …
Q & A With a Google Curl
When Isaiah’s Legacy released, on February 18, 2020, several of my BFF team got together to do a blog tour. Some asked me to write about research topics, while others asked for Q & A formats. Since we had pretty low activity, I’ve shared the posts from that tour on my own blog over the past seven months. I hope …
Guest Review of A PASSIONATE HOPE by Janet Davis
A Passionate Hope by Jill Eileen Smith Amazon reviews are great when choosing a book to purchase, but are all Amazon reviews/reviewers created equally? If you’ve read many reviews, you might agree some even fall into the hilarious category. Here are a few of my funniest/oddest reviews: One-star review of Love Amid the Ashes – I have not read the book yet, but will definitely add it to my TBR list. Two-star review of Love in a …