Author Life–the Good, the Hard, the Glorious!

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

In 1999, I was determined to turn a Bible study on Song of Solomon into a hybrid novel/study and take the publishing industry by storm. It didn’t matter that I knew nothing about publishing, writing (fiction or non-fiction), and had no idea what a published author actually DID–besides write.

So I bought a book to teach me: You Can Write a Novel (my Amazon aff link). That should do it, right? Read the book. Write some fiction into the Bible study I’d been teaching at women’s events across the country. I’d have a bestseller within…maybe a few months!

Ignorance was bliss… Until I wrote the book and attended my first writer’s conference in 2001, where that naivety was beaten out of me by two editors and an agent. They were all VERY adamant that I should stick with speaking because I’d NEVER be a writer.

If you’re an aspiring author who’s been told your writing isn’t up to par, it may be true. But it might not be. You may, like me, simply need more time to be transformed into the author God wants you to be.

The Fallow Years

My journey doesn’t look like anyone else’s, just like my personal relationship with Jesus is unique to Him and me. However, I hope in sharing a little of my past and present, you can glean a little encouragement and insight for what our God might want to do in your life–whether you’re an author or not.

The years between that first devastating writer’s conference and my 2008 contract with a traditional publisher were fraught with many dead end roads and potholes. I gave up on fiction altogether and wrote a series of devotionals. In 2005, I returned to a writers conference signed with an agent. This dear lady knocked on every traditional publisher’s door with the devotionals.

All rejections.

When Publishing Begins…

My agent had lost faith in me, and so had I–which was exactly where the Lord wanted me. I began writing for an Audience of One. I’ll never forget the day I prayed, “Lord, I don’t care if anyone ever reads what I write. I need to write this…just for You.”

So I got Song of Solomon out of my bottom desk drawer and determined to learn how to write fiction. Not a book this time. I signed up for a week-long intensive at another writer’s conference with one of the best mentors in Christian fiction: Gayle Roper. After seeing all Gayle’s red marks on my proposal, I was terrified to attend my first editor meeting later that day.

To my amazement, that editor said, “You have some craft issues, but I think you’ve got a real story here. Fix the problems, and send me your whole manuscript.” She’d come to that conference specifically looking for biblical fiction–and I was the ONLY ONE THERE who submitted a proposal to her!

What Changed Since 2001?
  1. I’d given up MY stubborn idea to make the book a hybrid of fiction/non-fiction.
  2. My health had plummeted and I wasn’t speaking anymore. I’d spent most of my time since 2002 either in bed or on the couch–writing. Practice makes a HUGE difference, friends!
  3. Sometimes becoming a published author is more about God’s timing and less about our skill.

I Just Wanted One Book!

There’s a line in an old Meryl Streep movie, Out of Africa, that’s very poor theology but very much what some people believe. Her character says, “When God wants to punish us, he answers our prayers.” That’s a VERY skewed view of our loving Heavenly Father. However, I believe immense blessing is perhaps as great a challenge as our worst trials.

That novel on Song of Solomon took me twelve years to write. Revell offered a two-book contract and asked me to write a second novel in six months. “No problem,” I said when the editor called with the offer. Inside, I was panicked. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, LORD?!?!?!?! That’s how Love’s Sacred Song and Love Amid the Ashes were born.

He and I still have that conversation occasionally–when He blesses my socks off and it means more work than I think I can handle. That’s when I need people around me to help decide:

Is that opportunity really a calling from the Lord or a distraction that looks like the next shiny penny?

A Few Examples From My Day:

As some of you may have noticed, I’ve been in my “writing cave” for quite sometime–months, actually. When I had only one book–or even two books–on bookstore shelves, it was easier to manage the other “author stuff” in a day. But with each new release comes more and more…blessings.

I truly mean blessings. In no way do I consider any of the following examples as hardship or annoyances. They’re incredible opportunities and privileges. I’m amazed and humbled each time I get emails, contact forms, and comments on social media. The subject matter and frequency of those vary widely, but I thought I’d give you a little taste of a few that I received in one, 24-hour period:

Research Question:

Dear Mesu Andrews. I ran across your article you wrote way back in 2013 . . . I noticed a glaring mistake you made in your article from the very beginning. I hope you will not mind me pointing it out to you.

I answer ALL of these, usually beginning with, “Thank you for your ZEAL for accuracy!” If there’s an argumentative reply to my explanation, I ignore it and move on with life. However, that’s only happened once or twice. Most people are truly interested in hearing the research I’ve done and satisfied with my answers.

Random Media Requests:

Hi Mesu,I would love to feature you and “The Pharaoh’s Daughter” on our website (this is totally free). (Most of these solicitations aren’t free. :roll:)

It’s fun to see which books folks pick out to publicize, and I’ll respond–but only if the website is something I’d feel comfortable supporting.

Media Requests and Prep from my Waterbrook Publicist:

Good morning Mesu, “So-and-So” from “Such-and-Such” podcast has shared a list of questions (attached) for you to review ahead of your chat with her.

I LOVE doing interviews! Podcasts, Zoom, or written ones–doesn’t matter. It’s so fun to hear people’s questions and share how faithful the Lord has been in my journey. But it is time consuming, so I have to guard the number of interviews/events I accept.

Encouragement About a Particular Book:

I wanted to let you know what an impact your book Isaiah’s Daughter made in my life. Your story, well the bibles’ story – the way you put it, drew me in and started me on a journey into the bible that hasn’t stopped! Thank you.

Other Blessings that Require an Author’s Time:
  1. Speaking invitations
  2. Brainstorming with editor/agent
  3. Working with my assistant
  4. Newsletter writing (and answering personal responses)
  5. Blog writing (and answering personal responses)
  6. Social media – writing content & answering comments/messages (my assistant creates the graphics, thank You, Jesus!)
  7. Networking with other authors

A Heart Full and Blessed

Even as I write the author’s list of “blessings”–which I could just as easily have termed my job description–I’m  smiling. What a tremendous JOY to awaken each day and do what I love!

As we begin our journey into the story of Joseph and Asenath in my 2023 release, In Feast or Famine (my Amazon aff link), we’ll talk a lot about finding God’s purpose for our lives. Whether you believe you’ve already discovered it or are still searching, know that He’s created you for HIS good purpose, dear one.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13

Today’s Question:

  • Is there anything about an author’s life (or my life in particular) that surprised you?
  • As you sit quietly before the Lord, search your heart and His to focus on His purpose for you. Thank Him for it and pursue it with passion!
