Intimacy Says: In-To-Me-See

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 10 Comments

I had a hard time defining intimacy until my husband defined it simply by using the word’s syllables: in-ti-ma-cy. He then gave each syllable a word to associate: The “world” may define intimacy differently, but I want to talk about God’s kind of intimacy–the kind that lasts for eternity. It begins, as you might imagine, with Jesus. If you’ve never had an intimate conversation …

3 Ways To Find Peace-On-The-Go

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

Hubby Roy and I have just returned from ANOTHER trip. Can I just say I’m really tired of traveling? Quick jaunts. Loooong getaways. Business or pleasure, it doesn’t matter. I’m ready to be HOME! But I’ve learned a little about peace while we’ve been traveling. However, before I share about our lessons on peace, let me say that Roy and …

What’s Your 4th-Day Step?

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

Without a caption, you’d probably think that picture had something to do with UFOs or ET or Area 51, right? Nope. Step away from your aluminum-foil hat. Recently-retired-hubby-Roy and I spent a good portion of March in our friends’ condo in Ft. Myers. I spent my days (and most nights) finishing the first draft of Potiphar’s Wife on deadline (4/1)! …

Quotes & Questions – The Reluctant Rival: Leah’s Story

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 2 Comments

With my other books, you would have been hearing about the release of The Reluctant Rival: Leah’s Story for months by now. However, since this book is part of Guideposts Ordinary Women of the Bible series, and since GP is a subscription-based publisher, I wasn’t expected to do a lot of marketing. But I’ll let you in on a secret: I love this …

A Hindsight View Of Leah’s Struggle

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter

We’ve all heard the old saying, “Hindsight is 20/20,” right? My new friend and author, Wendy Alsup, takes a look at Jacob’s first wife, Leah–and how our lives can be reflected in Leah’s hindsight. The Wedding The crowd gathered for a celebration—a wedding. The groom was nervous in anticipation. The young bride emerged, carefully wrapped in veils. Unknown to the …