Pacific NW path

Lessons from the Pacific Northwest

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 12 Comments

Pacific NW pathOn our recent visit with friends in Camas, WA, we started our day with a leisurely walk to my friend’s favorite waterfall. We’d lived in this area for nine years but moved across the country in 2016. It was still as I remembered it.

Though I’d never been on this particular trail before, it looked like most PNW walking paths. The sun shone down between boughs of giant pines, casting dappled shadows.

Wait. Sunshine? Okay, maybe not exactly how I remembered the Pacific Northwest (PNW). It was also warmer and sunnier than a typical April day. Perfect to experience whatever God would teach me…

You see, I hear His voice like a trumpet when I’m in Creation. That’s when He speaks loudest to my spirit. Nothing audible, but He’s very clear in the words He imprints on my heart. It happened on our little walk on this particular morning too. With every step, He whispered a little lesson.

  • See that rock? I’m your foundation.
  • That branch? Even a branch that bears fruit gets pruned.
  • See the tree planted by that stream? When you stay close to Me, you don’t wither.

Everywhere I looked held more wonder until I could barely walk another step! I understood what Jesus meant when the Pharisees told His disciples to stop proclaiming His majesty, and Jesus said:

“…if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19:40

Well, the stones didn’t cry out that morning, but let me share a few pictures of things that certainly made a lasting impression on my heart…

Light and Comfort

One of the things I love most about the PNW is the moss-covered rocks and trees. The “Evergreen State” (WA) is partly evergreen because of the “furry” moss that covers everything! And, depending on what time of year you visit, the moss is a different color. Sometimes its a vibrant, neon green. Other times it can be grassy green, dark green, or–in the dry heat of summer–it’s almost brown.

In the picture on the right, notice those mossy rocks? Now, see how the light is shining on the foliage (left of the rocks)? It’s obvious that there’s a path up and around the rocks. It’s shady there. More foot traffic in the shade, right?

Morning Walk LESSON #1:

Sometimes it’s more comfy to linger in the dark, well-traveled areas of life than venture into the unexplored “Light” where Jesus may be leading.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

Big Tree Little Me

big tree Pacific NWYou might have to enlarge the picture on this one to see me. That’s a great big tree–and a picnic table at the base of it. I’m sitting at a picnic table (right of the tree), but I look like I’m the size of an ant!

That’s the point. This tree is minuscule compared to the size of our God, and yet when I sat at the picnic table and was utterly dwarfed by the tree’s height…it was a good reminder of just how B.I.G. our GOD really is.

I forget that sometimes. I think He’s only as big as my very small prayers. He’s only as big as my mustard seed of faith. He’s only as big as my ability to work out my own solution.

…but He’s so much bigger than that. And He’s so much bigger than that tree I sat beside. What is He bigger than in your life today?

Morning Walk LESSON #2:

Difficult things seem awfully BIG sometimes, but nothing compares to God Almighty–the One who loves me and has promised only good for me.

“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10

Still and Rapid Waters

We stood on a bridge above the rushing waters, and I noticed two sets of mini-rapids. One was about a hundred yards upstream. Then there was about twenty yards of calm water. Then another 15-20 yards of bubbling rapids over mossy rocks.

And I thought, Isn’t that the way life goes? The Lord allows those rough patches–rocky, bubbly, frothy rapids. Navigating those waters can be really hard.

But it’s only for a season!

Though it’s hard to remember in the midst of the rapids, still waters will come. And when they do, we must remember to do two things:

  1. Praise God for His faithfulness in bringing us through the hard things
  2. Strengthen our faith muscles for the rapids sure to come.
Morning Walk LESSON #3:

There’s always still water between the rapids, so persevere during, praise after, and prepare for the next.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”  Romans 12:12

Today’s Questions:

  • Do you hear God speak through nature? If so, anything you’d like to share?

Comments 12

  1. The Ocean speaks to me as I sit on a beach, listening for His voice and Word over my life. The Lord has allowed me to be on the beach of California, Florida, Texas, Mexico, Hawaii, South Africa and Israel.

    Psalm 29:3 – The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters.

    Ezekiel 43:2 -Then the creatures moved, I heard the sound of their wings, like the roar of rushing waters, like the voice of the Almighty, like the tumult of an army.

    Sometimes the roar of the waters is so loud it sounds like the engines of an airplane are right in front of you. The waves are rolling in with froth and foam bringing in treasures for the depths of the sea floor as the Lord deposits His word and treasures in my spirit. His love washing over me as the wind blows my hair straight back, taking with it all the stress and worry of the day or season. Other times the waves are silent and slow like the lapping of the waters of a tide-pool rocking my spirit like a mother comforts her child.

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  2. When I lived in Oregon, I was very ill / getting treatment for late-stage Lyme disease. I so wanted to hike (my fav activity) but had no energy to do so. Fortunately, at the bottom of a small gorge behind the place I rented had this rushing creek that never froze. I’d sit on the rocks by the creek, drinking in all that super-oxygenated air. It was my favorite prayer spot. I couldn’t see the creek’s course beyond a bend, but I knew it would keep rushing forever toward its destination. Somehow that was God’s way of telling me everything would be OK. Not like I’d pictured, but still all OK because He had it in hand. I’ll never forget those times by the creek!

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  3. Oh my yes!
    The older I am the more this is true.
    These days it doesn’t seem to matter if it is a long walk on a beautiful beach or only a few steps to the mailbox.
    The moment I step outside I begin to hear God whisper.
    Walking and praying is the best part of the day!

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  4. Oh my – I think I’m going to print these thoughts so I can reread them and be blessed over and over. Yes, surely God speaks to me in nature, but you make everything more beautiful with the way you express the thoughts HE gives yo..that truly bless me richly. What beautiful scenes you got to enjoy. The ocean always calms me and reminds me HE is bigger than anything. It helps me focus on His greatness and His awesome wonder that gives us such beauty to enjoy. And the sunshine warms me from head to toe and reminds me of God’s Blessed Sonshine who loved me so much He died a cruel death on a cross so I can live forever. Thanks for sharing this. I was deeply moved and am going to print it now to reread often. Love you precious friend. XO

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  5. I agree with these gals. What an inspiring devotional! It would be worth buying, but you gave it to us as a gift. I feel refreshed – and I long to visit the PNW. As an Arizona desert rat, cool shady forest paths call to me. My hubby knows this and has tried to plant me a shady oasis in our yard. I love to walk under our trees. But I hope that someday I’ll get to walk in a forest like you’ve shown us today.

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      So great to hear from you, sweet friend! And I’m so glad the thoughts refreshed your soul. Yes, the PNW gets in your veins! I love it, miss it, but Appalachia has its own kind of beauty and refreshment, and I’m sure your desert does too. Our god is quite the Artist! Hugs to you!

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