COVID-19 “Shock” Absorbers

Mesu AndrewsNewsletter 16 Comments

How SHOCK looks in our house.

It’s been only a month since we left for Israel, and it’s downright shocking to think about all that’s changed in thirty days!

My hubby, as headmaster of a small Christian school in North Carolina, has used the word **SHOCK** as a template to help parents and teachers think differently about the COVID-19 crisis, and I thought it was really helpful.


Scripture – Make God’s Truth the foundation upon which we build each day, hour, and minute of our lives. The way to a meaningful life (even in quarantine) is through the Truth.

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” John 14:6 (emphasis added)


Humor – Granted, it’s not funny when people are sick and dying. But King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, told us that a little humor can help in a stressful time.

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22


Opportunity – During this unprecedented time in history, God’s people have unprecedented opportunities to share about Him with a searching world. We have more time, more technology, and more information at our disposal than ever before.

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:5–6


Consistency – Maintain as much normalcy as possible. Our children need it. We need it. For accountability. To be ready to re-enter life after this thing is over.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17


Kindness – Kindness will set God’s people apart in the days to come when desperate, jealous, angry people rely on their own efforts rather than Jehovah-Jireh as Provider.

“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2

Shock & Awe

COVID-19 has surely shocked the world, but I serve a God that deserves my awe. I recently described to a dear friend what I see as God’s job during this pandemic:

For every decision He considers the paths of nations, His judgment on sin, His blessings for obedience, and His answers for today’s prayers. How can He do it all with perfect justice, mercy, goodness, and grace? Because HE IS GOD and beyond fathoming!

When I remember how very BIG our God is, it builds my faith that He can provide for our every need…even toilet paper when the store shelves are bare. LOL!

Do you need to be awed by God? Reminded how BIG He is? Spend some time reading Job 38-41–three chapters in which God describes Himself. Let it convince you of His ability to care for you and your family during this difficult time. He. Is. Able.

Today’s Question:

  • Share with us how the Lord has provided for you/your family during this crisis.

Comments 16

  1. So far we have done good. Our kids have told us not to go to the grocery stores till everything is better. If we need an item they go and get it. My husband has cancer so we are not to go to public places. He does have to go to the wound center 3 times a week and I worry about him getting out. My husband and I stocked up pretty early in the first week before it got rough here in Mississippi. I have a nephew that is private investigator for the attorney general and he texted us and told us get supplies for a couple weeks. We didn’t hoard things but bought like 4 big packs of different kinds of dried beans and peas. I always keep lots of can goods and the deep freeze was already full of frozen foods. So we are good. Bought 2 big jars of peanut butter. Lol! Did you know you can basically live on peanuts for a while? I love the staying home part except I really miss church services at church and the church family. I hope y’all stay safe and well during these terrible times.

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  2. Since I was already homebound, not much has changed for me from a practical standpoint. The past few years of serious physical illness have taught me to keep my eyes focused on Jesus. I limit my time spent reading the news, except when it is “need to know.” Our current situation does require occasional updates, but a focus on God and what He has told us in Scripture is my daily meditation. The book of Habakkuk has been my most recent study. God is our strength (Hab. 3:19). He is doing something in our days (Hab. 1:5).

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      Oh Kim, I love your perspective! Health issues tend to burn away life’s chaff and help us focus on what’s really important–and Who’s really in charge. I LOVE the book of Habakkuk, and thank you for that reminder…God is indeed our strength!

  3. Good morning from the Florida Keys. (We’ve been “stuck” at our remodel, but hopefully going back home to Washington today. )Praying for a safe flight, along with catching up online. Thank you Mesu, and the other ladies who commented. It’s always so nice to hear how others are faring. I too have my own health issues, so have tried to stay home unless needed. Thankfully I stock up year round, as I grew up in a rural community in Colorado, so I think it’s normal to “save up for a rainy day.” 🙂 (Red Cross has always taught us too, and hopefully in general folks are learning.) Besides the remodel, time home has allowed me to catch up on reading and writing– nothing like Mesu–just updates for my business, thoughts, and a children’s book. I did finally figure out how to down load Adnah’s Legacy too. Good grief. I loved it! Thank you Mesu. Well, I better get ready for my flight. Blessings to all of you!

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  4. Thank you for sharing about your trip to the Holy Land as well as the SHOCK acronym your husband shared with his Christian school family. Praise the Lord that all those on the trip have stayed healthy! As a retired teacher, much of my teaching was done in private Christian schools and homeschooling my daughter. So, I really appreciate the “SHOCK Absorber” perspective and will share it with many of my teacher friends.
    My husband and I live in the Houston, TX, area and are doing fine. I’m having groceries delivered to the house, but I do go out to pick up our veggies from a veggie/fruit co-op, which delivers to a gardening business in our community. My husband is volunteering 3 mornings a week at a Christian food and clothing pantry, which has gone to simply giving bags of groceries on a drive-by basis to their clients.
    I always keep a good supply on hand of everything we typically use. In fact, my grandmother used to joke that we appeared to be preparing for war in times of peace. While I’m not hoarding toilet paper and tissues, we have a good supply. In fact, I’ve been able to share some of it with our daughter and with the senior shut-ins to whom we deliver groceries once a month.
    I’m using the time at home to pray, do Bible study, exercise, read, clean and straighten, and keep in touch with family and friends through emails, phone, Facebook, and written notes. Our neighbors have had more time to visit across driveways, etc. Our Sunday school class, my ladies’ Bible study, and my Weight Watchers group meet weekly using Zoom. We watch our church service using our YouTube account. I imagine that the children of today will have many stories to tell their children and grandchildren about this historical pandemic.

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      Yes, Suzanne, I had to chuckle yesterday when I considered the stories our grandkids will be able to tell THEIR grandkids someday. I remember two events that interrupted my school life as a kid: Indiana’s blizzard of ’78 and the coal shortage. I’m sure kids all over the world will have LOTS of stories to tell about this one!

  5. God has provided a course of action and an open door for every situation I have faced in the last two months. I was reading Mesu’s Love amid the Ashes and began clinging to “The Lord gives and the Lord takes Away, BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD” when my beloved dog was hit by a car and died. Then within a week some property that my husband and I were building on is removed from us. Within another week my husband is diagnosed with an aggressive tumor and cancer. Within 2 weeks of that he went home to be with the father. And this virus keeps many from coming to me or us having his memorial. Sounds devastating yes? Yet the shocks were always tempered and peppered with a word from the Lord. A new place to live before the land got taken. A lesson from the Lord about the dog that took me to my knees and great heights. Prophetic words about my husband before that time came. So I have been shocked and Awed by Gods Grace Mercy and Truth that has kept me strong and believing. He proved to me that He goes before us and comes behind us. All is well

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      Oh, Jeanne, I’m stunned at the tragedies you’ve faced in rapid succession. Praise God that He made you familiar with Job’s story while all this was happening and gave you that lifeline to sustain your faith. His grace IS sufficient. He IS close to the broken-hearted. Those Scriptures came to mind as I read your note. You are more than a conqueror, my precious friend, through Christ Jesus, who conquered sin and death so that we can ALL one day reign with Him. Hold onto the One who is holding fast to you. Praying for you even as I type these words, dear one…

  6. I SO loved the SHOCK thoughts! Great reminders. I am doing well in my little hometown in NW Ohio…always in awe at how God provides for this new widow. HE is my Provider and Protector and I am ever grateful. Excited to find your video about your Israel trip to watch on Facebook today. Thanks for all the wonderful ways you encourage and inspire. MUAH! XO

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      You are always so good to count your blessings, my sweet friend, and always so appreciative of the slightest encouragement from others. What a joy you are, and though I know you miss your big Marine, I’m praising God with you for His perfect timing, His provision, and His tender care for you. Love you so!

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  7. My sons are in tech so they have good, stable jobs during this time. 🙂
    Hubby is doing a combination of work-from-home and in-office (each person in his small department is assigned their own day of the week to go in for in-office tasks which allows them plenty of social distancing). His (insurance) company is doing what they can to weather the storm and hopefully stay in business.
    I’ve been able to visit all close family members at least once, and now trust God to take care of them until I can see them again.

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